Living in a templated world, it’s easy to follow others because of fleeting trends and fads. To be a leader is to be creative, to be creative is to be different, genuinely different. We lead with research and experience.

How we started
Many moons ago, Joey Kilrain and a couple of friends started a design business called Gigapixel Creative, Inc. Over the next 10 years, our client roster and capabilities expanded exponentially. And in 2016 we rebranded as DED, a Digital Experience Design company, which better aligned with our service offerings.
We’re an agile group capable of generating fast and relevant ideas that lead to constructive conversations. Our in-depth hands-on experience allows us to shift from ‘get it out the door’ MVPs to full-scale enterprise-level applications. And with our skills deeply rooted in Experience & Communication Design, we have the vernacular to turn pixels into products.
Why we’re trusted
Our parents raised us to do right by others so they’ll do right by us. This underscores our 15+ years of helping start-ups to Fortune 100 companies staying current. Working side by side with us will get you the product that is needed for the market. Be prepared to be an active part of the process.